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What's All the Excitement About?!?! Daily updates from the SHORT fall pledge drive! Learn about challenges and sweepstakes, see zany photos from "pledge central", meet our phone volunteers,find out who's donating food, AND winning iPads, and track KNAU's progress toward our pledge goals!Click here to PLEDGE YOUR SUPPORT NOW

Live from Pledge Central - Day 2

Who knew that Saturday morning "work" could be so much fun?!!  Two crews of phone volunteers - grinning, laughing, and often cheering - busily answered calls as KNAU listeners from around northern Arizona, (and as far south as Tucson!), dialed in to pledge their support.  In addition to the myriad of reasons that people shared about why they appreciate KNAU, "thank you for the short pledge drive" was another sentiment commonly heard.  We're glad you feel that way, and we couldn't agree more!

Thank you to the groups from Rooftop Solar and Flagstaff Friends of Traditional Music, as well as a number of other individuals who volunteered their time on the phones today.

Our gratitude also goes out to Sugar Mamas Bakery, KickStand Kafe, and Jitter's Lunchbox who helped keep volunteers and staff well fed and highly caffeinated - the latter being particularly helpful when it comes to answering all those phones!

Also, a special congratulations to the winner of our second iPad sweepstakes drawing, Evelyn Billow of Flagstaff.  You may have heard a recording today of our phone call with Evelyn when we shared the good news!

Thank you to all the KNAU listeners who have called in or gone online in the last two days to pledge their support.  Your contributions are a vote of confidence that this short pledge drive experiment might really work!

If you haven't pledged your support for Arizona Public Radio yet, please do.  Your partnership is essential not only for the success of this short drive, but for the ongoing success of the station as a whole.  Do your part.  Pledge online today or call and talk with one of our great phone volunteers bright and early on Monday.  Thank you!

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