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The Code Switch Podcast Is Coming! Get A Sneak Peek!

Standing (from left): Reporter Karen Grigsby Bates, editor Tasneem Raja, news assistant Leah Donnella, producer Walter Ray Watson, editor Alicia Montgomery. Seated (from left): Reporters and hosts Gene Demby and Shereen Marisol Meraji, reporters Kat Chow and Adrian Florido
Matt Roth
Standing (from left): Reporter Karen Grigsby Bates, editor Tasneem Raja, news assistant Leah Donnella, producer Walter Ray Watson, editor Alicia Montgomery. Seated (from left): Reporters and hosts Gene Demby and Shereen Marisol Meraji, reporters Kat Chow and Adrian Florido

You've been asking for it. We've been cranking on it. And now, it's happening: the Code Switch podcast!

Check out the trailer and subscribe to our podcast so you don't miss the first episode later this month!

So, what's this podcast all about? Everything you come to Code Switch for: deeply reported, urgent, hard-to-pin-down stories about race and culture. Conversations about the messy ways our identities crash into everything else in our lives, whether we realize it or not.

What it's like to be a black professor teaching white students about whiteness? What's up with people of color and (not) camping? Are there rules for profiting off another culture's food? Those are a few of the questions we're tackling right out of the gate, and we'd love to hear from you on what else to dig into. Hit us up: @NPRCodeSwitch.

Who's gonna be on this podcast? All the folks you see above, for starters. It'll be hosted by Code Switch reporters Shereen Marisol Meraji and Gene Demby, and since we're all journalists of color, from a mix of backgrounds, generations and views of the world, you're gonna hear us take on a whole lot of different topics.

We'll also be pulling in loads of play-cousins from around the NPR family and other great podcasts that dig into this stuff. Authors and artists and activists. Folks from the Code Switch audience with burning stories to tell. Nothing's off the table, and everyone's invited.

We're journalists in the world, trying to make sense of this stuff like everyone else. Because this isn't just the work we do — it's the lives we lead. Sometimes, we'll make you laugh. Other times, you'll get uncomfortable. But we'll always be unflinchingly honest and empathetic.

You can check out our trailer over at NPR One, iTunes, and other platforms. Come mix it up with us!

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Code Switch team