Goats and Soda is now running a series on pandemics.
Dangerous viruses like Ebola and MERS are emerging in greater numbers than ever before. We're looking at how pandemics start, how diseases jump from animals to humans and why the number of newly discovered viruses is on the rise.
We know you'll have lots of questions along the way. In fact, we've already received a few from our audience. On Twitter, someone asked: Could it be possible that in today's information age, there really aren't more pandemics — we just hear more about them? On Facebook, another asked: How did the animals first get the diseases?
What do you want to know about pandemics? Submit your questions in the tool below.
Our submission deadline has passed. Thanks for participating! The question our team chose to answer was: How do you protect yourself from a pandemic? Our correspondent Michaeleen Doucleff answers it in this post.
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