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Coconino County Officials Predict Heavy Turnout

Coconino County Recorder Candace Owens is predicting about a 75% turnout for today’s election.

She says some precincts are witnessing heavier turnout than others.

“In Kachina Village, in some of the precincts in town and some not in town and its hard to tell what’s going on on the reservation, traditionally they don’t vote early, so I’m sure it’s been busy out there. They’re telling me there’s been lines," Owens said.

On the reservation, Owens says the lines may be long because the Chapter Houses are also holding elections today….often in the same place.

50% of the voters in the county requested early ballots and about 75% of them have come in.

Owens says if you have a ballot that you haven’t mailed in, you can still drop it off at any polling place in the county.

Polls are open until 7pm.

Since most of the early ballots have already been counted, we should have a good indication of the county results by 8.

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