Parts of the Coconino National Forest are closed to the public due to high fire risk. KNAU’s Justin Regan spoke to some outdoor businesses in Flagstaff to see how the closure might affect them.
Keith Harris is the owner of Babbitt’s Backcountry Outfitters. He’s concerned but confident his business will manage during the closure.
"Right now because it’s a partial closure there’s still plenty to do," says Harris. "Just a matter of educating the customer as where to go."
Where they can’t go in the Flagstaff area are the San Francisco Peaks, Pumphouse Wash, Mormon Mountain, Kelly Canyon and Fisher Point. Brittany Montague with Mountain Sports says it’s possible the closures could help her store.
"People will still be coming up from Phoenix because it’s hot," says Montague. "And even if they can’t go to the forest they’re going to come into town and that affects business, in only good ways."
Other closures are in effect across the region for some state land and parts of the Tonto and Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests.