The Coconino, Kaibab and Apache-Sitgreaves national forests will fully close to all visitors Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock because of extreme fire danger.
The rare move comes as several lightning-caused wildfires burn throughout the region. Officials say the closures will stay in place until the area receives enough moisture to reduce the threat of wildfire. Violators of the closures face a mandatory appearance in federal court and could be fined or sentenced to jail time.
The city of Flagstaff will implement Stage Four fire restrictions today. The new restrictions ban all outdoor open-flame grills, including propane, charcoal and pellet grills and those with an on-off switch, within city limits. Sections of the Flagstaff Urban Trail will also close, as well as Mars Hill, Little America and the Arizona Trail, among other areas.
Arizona Snowbowl ski resort, located on the Coconino National Forest, will temporarily suspended summer operations at the end of the day today.