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Dance of the Dead

An archaic rock art site in the Grand Canyon that Scott Thybony calls \"The Dancehall of the Dead.\"
Scott Thybony

Ghosts and ghouls are something you expect to see this time of year, with Halloween just around the corner. But you might not expect to find them tucked away in a remote corner of the Grand Canyon. Commentator Scott Thybony shares this tale of a haunting journey into the Canyon.

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Scott Thybony has traveled throughout North America on assignments for major magazines, including Smithsonian, Outside, and Men’s Journal. An article for National Geographic magazine was translated into a dozen languages, and his book, Canyon Country, sold hundreds of thousands of copies. He once herded sheep for a Navajo family, having a hogan to call home and all the frybread he could eat. His commentaries are heard regularly on Arizona Public Radio.