By Howard Fischer
Flagstaff, AZ – Jan Brewer took a verbal slap today at gubernatorial wanna-be
Terry Goddard.
On Friday, Goddard claimed he was better qualified than the
incumbent to be the state's chief executive, saying Brewer lacked
leadership. He said the state is headed in the wrong direction
which is why he took the first steps toward becoming the
Democratic nominee. Brewer said Goddard, who is the state's
attorney general, doesn't know what he's talking about.
"It's easy to be a Saturday night quarterback. The fact of the
matter is is that having to be governor and dealing with the
subject matters and the deficit takes a lot of information and
certainly a lot of consideration."
Brewer said she has put forward a plan to deal with both the
state's short- and long-term economic woes, which is more than
Goddard has done. Her comments came during a ribbon cutting for a
new children's hospital in Mesa, one of nine events this week --
making this close to -- if not the -- busiest week of public
appearances since she became governor. But Brewer denied that has
anything to do with her reelection announcement last week.
"Oh, we've actually been busy, as you know, since I became
governor. I think a lot of it probably wasn't on my public
schedule. But certainly we've been very, very busy. And, of
course, I've been nose down for a long period of time, working on
the budget. So now I'm a little bit more freer."
But at this point the state still does not have a balanced budget
for the current fiscal year.