Some state residents and businesses are opening their wallets -- wide -- to help Governor Jan Brewer elect candidates to federal offices who support her views.
Brewer formed Jan PAC last year to collect money from her fans and then funnel it into the coffers of congressional candidates who share her goals of stronger enforcement of immigration laws, creating jobs and killing the president's Affordable Care Act. She picked up another $200,000 in the three months just ended. While there were more than 1,000 small donations, most of the cash came in big dollar checks, led by $25,000 from Rural/Metro which provides private ambulance and fire service to more than 30 Arizona communities. Developer Don Diamond kicked in $10,000. But he told Arizona Public Radio it's not because he's in favor of any particular push by Brewer.
"I did it because she asked and I love her," he said. "I've known her longer than the other guys and I've watched her mature and I've watched her take on this governorship."
Arizona Cardinals spokesman Mark Dalton said owner Michael Bidwill had his organization give $5,000 based on Brewer's efforts to promote business and not about things like immigration.
"I do think the jobs creation, getting Arizona back to work, is consistent with what the team believes and what Michael's certainly an advocate of," Dalton said.
Other big donors including Arizona Public Service which, with its parent company, gave more than $7,000.