Several Arizona teachers voiced fears from their cars about returning to school in a state that continues to be ravaged by the coronavirus. Nearly 20 cars…
Governor Doug Ducey has signed a stripped-down emergency state budget that contains $50 million in spending to help tenants, homeowners and small…
Arizona's largest teachers union and other groups say they'll ask voters to raise taxes on people with high incomes to pay for teacher raises. The Arizona…
Arizona lawmakers start a new legislative session in Phoenix Monday and pay raises for public schoolteachers is expected to be a big issue. The economy is…
The Arizona Legislature is giving new life to a bill targeting teachers who try to influence students' political or religious views despite concerns by a…
The man named Arizona's Teacher of the Year for his work in special education and the woman who heads the teacher's union for their district have been…
Arizona voters have rejected a massive expansion of the state's private school voucher program criticized as a move to drain money from public schools and…
The Arizona Supreme Court says it blocked a ballot measure seeking to boost taxes on the rich from the November ballot because proponents failed to reveal…
A proposition on this year’s Arizona ballot is designed to expand the state’s school voucher system. KNAU’s Ryan Heinsius reports, it would make more…
Arizona teachers are the focus of a new documentary screening tonight in Flagstaff. The film, “Teaching in Arizona,” follows three educators, as they…