Grant applications are being accepted by the National Forest’s Coconino Resource Advisory Committee for forest health and restoration projects.
Improvement projects are mainly done on federal lands within Coconino County, including the Coconino and Kaibab National Forests and sections of the Prescott and Apache-Sitgreaves Forests. They include road, trail and infrastructure maintenance, soil productivity improvements, watershed and stream restoration, and re-establishment of native species.
The projects will be funded under the authority of the Secure Rural Schools and Communities Self-Determination Act. It authorizes grants to federal, state and local government agencies, as well as tribal, private and non-profit organizations.
National Forest Service officials say interested parties should first consult with the local District Ranger prior to proposal submission.
More information and submission forms can be found at: www.fs.usda/gov/working-with-us/secure-rural-schools/categories.
For questions regarding the Coconino RAC, please contact RAC Coordinator Brady Smith at 928-310-6817 or by email at