Governor Jan Brewer said she wants terminally ill patients to be able to use experimental drugs that have not yet been approved by federal agencies. Arizona Public Radio’s Howard Fischer explains.
The governor said she supports Proposition 303, which is on the November ballot. It would permit drug companies to make available medications which have not yet been cleared for use by the Food and Drug Administration.
“I think that it’s absolutely someone is facing life or death that they should be able to make that choice. And if they’re willing to take that risk, so-called what it is, then they ought to be able to do it,” Brewer said.
Brewer said her support of the ballot measure comes down to a question of options.
“You know, you reach a certain point with terminal illness, and I’ve lived it, that there is no hope,” Brewer said.
Brewer knows something about that not only from the death of her parents but also the loss of her 38-year-old son John from cancer.
“You know, you fight for everything in life. Why can’t you fight till the end? And if there’s something out there that you believe or you’ve been advised of that can make a change in your health, why shouldn’t you be able to take it?” Brewer asked.
At this point there is no organized opposition to the measure.