In the latest installment of KNAU's series PoetrySnaps! we meet Rosemarie Dombrowski. She is the inaugural Poet Laureate of Phoenix and a full-time caregiver to her adult son with non-verbal autism. Dombroski's mission is to bring poetry to vulnerable populations as a means of healing.
Arizona lawmakers are considering a bill that would allow funding for studies involving the chemical compound found in certain hallucinogenic mushrooms. There is growing research about the potential effectiveness of psilocybin in treating PTSD and other psychological disorders.
The wildland firefighting community and numerous advocacy groups have launched a letter-writing campaign aimed at U.S. Senators. They’re calling for the introduction and passages of the Wildland Firefighter Classification and Pay Parity Act.
Physicians urge New Mexico legislators to allow use of psilocybin mushrooms in mental health therapyPhysicians and researchers are urging New Mexico legislators to allow the use of psilocybin mushrooms in mental health therapy aimed at overcoming depression, anxiety, psychological trauma and alcoholism.
Utah is one of the latest states to approve studies of the medicinal properties of hallucinogenic mushrooms and their effect on mental health issues, including PTSD.
Advocates say a transgender woman seeking asylum should be released after she was sexually assaulted and harassed while being detained in an Arizona…
Rapid Eye Movement – that thing we do in our deepest sleep – is not fully understood. Scientists think it happens when different parts of the brain are…
Arizonans who say they suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder are hoping to get the right to use marijuana for medical purposes.The 2010 initiative…