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Coconino County Health Officials Say They Are Watching For Coronavirus

Arizona health officials Sunday confirmed the state’s first case of the potentially deadly coronavirus in Maricopa County. KNAU’s Zac Ziegler reports local health officials say they are on the watch for more possible cases.

Healthcare providers are required to report suspected infections of this strain of coronavirus to health departments within 24 hours of seeing patients presenting symptoms.

Matthew Maurer is an epidemiologist with Coconino County Health and Human Services.

“And from there what we determine is was there travel to the area where this coronavirus is actively spreading, and then do they have the symptoms associated with the virus.”

There are several strains of the virus, not all of them as virulent as the current strain, which has reportedly killed at least 80 people worldwide.

Regardless of the strain, Maurer says the best way to prevent its spread is to use the precautions normally recommended for common airborne illnesses, such as the flu or a cold.

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